Textkritisk kommentar till provöversättningen av Lukasevangeliet 9:51– 19:28





In 2014, the Swedish Bible Society took the first steps towards a new Swedish translation of the New Testament by commissioning a trial translation of two NT texts, the Lukan Travel Narrative (Luke 9:51–19:46) and Paul’s Letter to the Galatians. This article presents parts of the result of my text-critical work as a consultant for the new translation. It includes a selection of nineteen textual prob- lems in Luke (9:55–56; 9:62 [x2]; 10:1, 15, 41–42; 11:2, 10, 13, 33; 12:56; 13:7; 14:7; 15:1, 16; 16:19; 17:24; 18:11, 24), which are either complex or interesting from the aspect of reception history. The treatment of each passage includes the new translation, a suggested footnote for the general readership, a critical appa- ratus, and a textual commentary.

There is an extended discussion of Luke 10:41–42, since the Swedish Bible Society decided not to follow my proposal in this particular case, where I pro- posed a Greek text as reflected in the NIV, where Jesus replies to Martha, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” A table of comparison (table 1) displays the seven passages where the proposed Greek text differs from NA28, and the eight passages where it differs from the underlying Greek text of the earlier official Swedish translation of 1981 (=B2000).




How to Cite

Wasserman, T. (2015). Textkritisk kommentar till provöversättningen av Lukasevangeliet 9:51– 19:28. Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok , 80(1), 143–168. https://doi.org/10.58546/se.v80i1.15415