Journal Information

Journal name: Current Issues in Work-Integrated Learning

Journal abbreviation: CIWIL

ISSN (Online): 3035-6903

Editor-in-chief: Professor Ulrika Lundh Snis

Editors-in-chief’s email 

Publisher: University West

Publisher’s organization number: 202100-4052

Publisher contact: Dr. Iréne Bernhard

Publisher contact's email address:

Journal owner: University West

Article Processing Charges (APCs): There are no fees for publishing in CIWIL.

License: All content published in CIWIL is published under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 License, allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, and to remix, transform, and build upon the material, for any purpose, even commercially, under the condition that appropriate credit is given.

Copyright: Authors retain copyright of their work.

Funding: Basic support is provided by University West centrally, and from the School of Business, Economics & IT.

Publication frequency: The journal publishes 1-2 issues per year.