Current Issue

Vol. 53 (2023)
					View Vol. 53 (2023)

The 53rd volume of Ethnologia Scandinavica, icludes articles from the Nordic countries. The texts deal with different themes such as consumerism, prepping, queer parenthood on social media, and observation as an ethnographic method. This years volume also includes sesveral biographical notes and, as always, an extensive number of reviews of new dissertations and books in the ethnological and folkloristic field. Together, the articles and reviews reflect the contemporary status of the field and the subjects and theoretical concepts to which our scholars relate right now.

Published: 2023-09-01

Full Issue


Biographical Notes

  • Biographical Notes

    Bengt af Klintberg, Fredrik Nilsson, Anna-Maria Åström, Gösta Arvastson, Jonas Frykman, Orvar Löfgren, Dirk Johannsen, Terry Adrian Gunnell, Inger Lövkrona, Mette Sandbye, Torunn Selberg, Fredrik Nilsson


  • New Dissertations

    Herleik Baklid, Markus Idvall, Anna Rastas, Anne Leonora Blaakilde, Laura Stark, Tytti Steel, John Eade, Klaus Schriewer, Ida Tolgensbakk
  • Book Reviews

    Daniel Sävborg, Hilary Stanworth, Karin Hallgren, Mikkel Venborg Pedersen, Jenni Rinne, Birgitta Svensson, Marie Riegels Melchior, Sanna Lillbroända-Annala, Tove Ingebjørg Fjell, Tine Damsholt, Fredrik Nilsson, Eva Reme, Lars Kaijser, Katarzyna Herd, Jóan Pauli Joensen, Kaarina Koski
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