Instructions for Authors

Articles should be submitted to the Editor-in-chief at

Manuscripts should be in English. Articles will undergo peer review and language review.

The journal does not charge any publishing fees.

Articles should not be longer than 50,000 characters (including spaces). Please aim for clear and concise language, remembering that you are writing for a non-Scandinavian audience. If the manuscript is intended to be part of a compilation thesis, this should be communicated with the editor.

Captions to figures should be written separately and clearly numbered. Illustrations – photographs, drawings and tables – should be clearly numbered. Credits should be stated at the end of the caption.

The author is responsible for obtaining necessary permissions to publish figures and illustrations. The placing of the figures in relation to the text should be marked. Figures should be submitted along with the manuscript.

Notes should be avoided as far as possible. References should be included in parentheses at the relevant place in the text. Notes should only be used for comments, clarifications or discussion.

The list of References should include subtitles like Archives, Literature, Internet and Fieldwork. Literature should be presented as follows:

Burke, Peter 2009: Cultural Hybridity. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Fjell, Tove 2014: Sterke kvinder – svake men. Tidskrift for kjønnsforskning (03–04:302–318).

Lowenthal, David 2015: The Past is a Foreign Country. Revisited. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Löfgren, Orvar 2018: Mitt eller vårt? Hemmets moraliska ekonomi. In Mitt och ditt: Etnologiska perspektiv på ägandets kulturella betydelse, ed. Karin Salomonsson. Lund: Lund Studies in Arts and Cultural Sciences 17.

Reviews of new dissertations and other books of broad general interest should be 8,000–14,000 characters (including spaces). A review should consist of a brief presentation of the content and method of the work followed by a contextualization and a personal evaluation. Reviews should be written in English and submitted via the online submission form.

The author will have an opportunity to proof read and make necessary changes.

Deadline for article manuscripts is 1st of November. Deadline for reviews is 1st of December. These dates must be observed.

Authors of articles receive two printed copies of the journal. Ethnologia Scandinavica is an Open Access journal and is published in a free digital version parallel to the printed. By accepting to be published in the journal, authors also give their permission to Open Access publishing (with a CC BY license).