Human-animal Relationships from a Long-Term Perspective


  • Kristin Armstrong Oma Museum of Archaeology, University of Stavanger
  • Joakim Goldhahn Kimberley Foundation Ian Potter Chair in Rock Art, School of Social Sciences, University of Western Australia



Humans, like other animals, are inextricably bound to their local complex web-of-life and cannot exist outside of relationally interwoven ecosystems. Humans are, as such, rooted in a multispecies universe. Human and non-human animals in their variety of forms and abilities have been commensal, companions, prey, and hunters, and archaeology must take this fundamental fact – the cohabiting of the world – to heart. Human societies are, therefore, not so much human as web-of-species societies. Recently, anthropological theory has explored non-modern societies from the perspective of an anthropology of life which incorporates relationality of local humans and non-human animals (Kohn 2013), a pursuit that is significant for the diverse contributions in this special section of Current Swedish Archaeology (CSA): a themed section which deals with past multispecies intra-actions in a long-term perspective.


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How to Cite

Armstrong Oma, K. and Goldhahn, J. (2020) “Human-animal Relationships from a Long-Term Perspective”, Current Swedish Archaeology, 28(1), pp. 11–22. doi: 10.37718/CSA.2020.01.



Research Articles