The Social Qualia of Kuml – An Exploration of the Iconicity of Rune-Stones with Kuml Inscriptions from the Scandinavian Late Viking Age


  • Ing-Marie Back Danielsson Dept. of Archaeology and Ancient History Uppsala University



ualitative experiences, qualia, Peirce, semiotics, Munn, body


This article discusses qualitative experiences (qualia) of Scandinavian Late Viking Age rune- stones from a semiotically theorized perspective. Rune-stones with kuml inscriptions receive par- ticular attention. Despite the fact that kuml referred to different material entities, such as rune-stone, other standing stones, and/or grave, it is suggested that they resembled one another on iconic grounds. The quality associated with the multiple qualia was a sensation of safety that resulted in shared experi- ences that had positive social values. The article demonstrates that the semiotics of Peirce can be of great value to archaeologists who want to delve deeper into the social analysis of things.


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How to Cite

Back Danielsson, I.-M. (2015) “The Social Qualia of Kuml – An Exploration of the Iconicity of Rune-Stones with Kuml Inscriptions from the Scandinavian Late Viking Age”, Current Swedish Archaeology, 23(1), pp. 157–178. doi: 10.37718/CSA.2015.11.



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