Harm’s Way: An Approach to Change and Continuity in Prehistoric Combat


  • Christian Horn Graduate School “Human Development in Landscapes” Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel




use-wear analysis, weapons, techniques of the body, warfare


Warfare has been recognized as an important factor in past societies, but the way it contributes to change is still not very well understood. When it comes to an- cient war, archaeology faces a problem: we are rarely able to address the intentions behind wars. This article seeks to take a look at the micro-scale of warfare and address what, and how, it contributed to change. To achieve this it was necessary to take a close-up look at combat, weapons and fighters as elementary parts of warfare. The use-wear analysis of 208 Early Nor- dic Bronze Age spears and swords, and 15 Late Neo- lithic halberds will be used as a case study to address several problems: 1. the (non-) functionality of early weaponry; 2. the conduct of combat; 3. the relation between weapons, fighters and combat. A hypothesis will be formulated in order to understand combat in terms of communication as a mediator between dif- ferent agents of warfare.



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How to Cite

Horn, C. . (2013) “Harm’s Way: An Approach to Change and Continuity in Prehistoric Combat”, Current Swedish Archaeology, 21(1), pp. 93–116. doi: 10.37718/CSA.2013.10.



Research Articles