From Vínland to Jerusalem in the Beatus Galaxy: The Impact of Maps on the European Mentality in the 11th Century


  • Leif Gren Institute of Archaeology, Stockholm University



Viking Age, exploration, pilgrimage, crusades, world view, cosmology, cathedrals, early maps


From c. 500 to 1000 AD the Atlantic Ocean was ex- plored further and further to the west, all the way to Vínland. But why did the Norse expansion lose en- ergy in the 11th century at the same time as European attention was directed to Jerusalem? The explana- tion given in this article is that the tipping point was a shift from a world view based on “horizontal see- ing” through a network of places to a “vertical see- ing” through maps.


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How to Cite

Gren, L. (2013) “From Vínland to Jerusalem in the Beatus Galaxy: The Impact of Maps on the European Mentality in the 11th Century”, Current Swedish Archaeology, 21(1), pp. 117–139. doi: 10.37718/CSA.2013.11.



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