The Marvel of Cauldrons: A Reflection on the United Stories of Archaeology


  • Johan Hegardt The National Historical Museum



Gotland, Vestland cauldrons, narration, care, heritage, stories


Archaeology and heritage, in whatever form, can be understood today as either the past that should be managed as something outside the present and by pro- fessionals who shape a master narrative, or as some- thing present and open to a diversity of interpretations and narrations in the present. In this text I will exam- ine the consequences of both these perspectives and end with the conclusion that it is a question of ontolog- ical care, the kind of care which, by means of a criti- cal narrative, must be open to all the stories involved.


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How to Cite

Hegardt, J. (2011) “The Marvel of Cauldrons: A Reflection on the United Stories of Archaeology”, Current Swedish Archaeology, 19(1), pp. 65–86. doi: 10.37718/CSA.2011.07.



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