A Shattered Tomb of Scattered People: The Alvastra Dolmen in Light of Stable Isotopes


  • Elin Fornander Archaeological Research Laboratory, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Stockholm University




Megalith, interaction, 14C, Neolithic, Funnel Beaker culture


Skeletal remains from the dolmen in Alvastra are ap- proached from the perspective of isotope analyses, providing insights into dietary and residential pat- terns. Radiocarbon dates from the interred individu- als provide evidence of long-lasting burial practices which were still active when the Alvastra Pile Dwell- ing was built. The isotopic record indicates dispersed geographic origins among the buried individuals. It is suggested that Alvastra, with the dolmen as a focal point, was established as a meeting place and sacred space already several centuries before the time of the Pile Dwelling.


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How to Cite

Fornander, E. (2011) “A Shattered Tomb of Scattered People: The Alvastra Dolmen in Light of Stable Isotopes”, Current Swedish Archaeology, 19(1), pp. 113–141. doi: 10.37718/CSA.2011.09.



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