Being on the Inside, Forgetting to Look Out: The Need for a Historical Archaeology of Global Relevance


  • Gunhild Eriksdotter Gotland University, Institutionen för kultur, energi och miljö
  • Jonas M. Nordin The National Historical Museum



Early modern, globalization, Eurocentrism, methodological nationalism, material culture, production, consumption, post-colonialism


Historical archaeology in Scandinavia is an expand- ing field, but despite its global nature, the discipline is trapped in methodological nationalism. The early modern and modern societies are generally studied us- ing the current national borders even though the ma- terial culture should not be constrained in this way. By illustrating with both theoretical and empirical ex- amples, the objective of this paper is to bring about a greater awareness of the global nature of the material culture and the interactions that took place between peoples in Europe and beyond.


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How to Cite

Eriksdotter, G. and Nordin, J. M. (2011) “Being on the Inside, Forgetting to Look Out: The Need for a Historical Archaeology of Global Relevance”, Current Swedish Archaeology, 19(1), pp. 143–165. doi: 10.37718/CSA.2011.10.



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