A Treasured Persona: Re-interpreting the Eketorp Precious Metal Deposition


  • Nanouschka M. Burström Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Stockholm University




Deposition, themed hoard, coin, miniature, pendant, metal-detecting, network


The theory and practice of the object-biographical approach is the backdrop for this re-interpretation of the celebrated precious metal deposition from Eketorp in central Sweden.  This example serves to demonstrate the potential of the approach for assemblages as well as single objects. The Eketorp hoard is one of a category of thematically composed Viking-Age precious metal depositions and contains an exceptional number of miniatures and pendants, jewellery, and some unusual coins. This paper presents new findings from excavations in 2017 and 2019, contextualises the hoard, reinterprets a number of the artefacts and points towards possibilities for further interpretation.


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Personal communications

Jansson, Ingmar, Dr, docent, Uppsala. E-mail 31/1/2020.

Kershaw, Jane, Dr, researcher, University of Oxford. E-mail 23/1/2020.

Kuleshov, Viacheslav, Dr, Numismatic Institute, Stockholm. Meetings 13/6/2018, 17/9/2018.

Maixner, Birgit, Dr, Associate Professor, NTNU University Museum. E-mail 14/2/2020.




How to Cite

Burström, N. M. . (2020) “A Treasured Persona: Re-interpreting the Eketorp Precious Metal Deposition”, Current Swedish Archaeology, 28(1), pp. 247–278. doi: 10.37718/CSA.2020.10.



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