Imaginary Vessels in the Late Bronze Age of Gotland and South Scandinavia: Ship Settings, Rock Carvings and Decorated Metalwork


  • Richard Bradley Department of Archaeology, School of Human and Environmental Sciences, University, Whiteknights, Reading
  • Peter Skoglund Sydsvensk Arkeologi AB
  • Joakim Wehlin Department of Historical Studies, University of Gothenburg



metalwork, sun, death, house urns


The paper compares the Bronze Age ship settings of Gotland with the vessels portrayed in rock carvings on the Scandinavian mainland. It also makes comparisons with the drawings of vessels on decorated metalwork of the same period. It considers their interpretation in relation to two approaches taken to the depictions of ships in other media. One concerns the use of boats to transport the sun, while the other emphasises the close relationship between seagoing vessels and the dead. A third possibility concerns the distinctive organisation of prehistoric communities on Gotland. It seems possible that the largest of the ship settings were equivalent to the Bronze Age cult houses found on the mainland and that they may even have represented the island itself.


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How to Cite

Bradley, R., Skoglund, P. and Wehlin, J. (2010) “Imaginary Vessels in the Late Bronze Age of Gotland and South Scandinavia: Ship Settings, Rock Carvings and Decorated Metalwork”, Current Swedish Archaeology, 18(1), pp. 79–103. doi: 10.37718/CSA.2010.08.



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