About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Nordic Journal of English Studies (NJES) was created in 2002 in order to offer a forum for Nordic scholars in English language and literature and to promote the field of English studies in the Nordic countries. It is affiliated to the Nordic Association of English Studies (NAES). Starting from 2007 the journal is open access and only published online. 

Two or three issues of the journal are published each year. The publications are both general issues and special theme issues with guest editors. We warmly invite prospective inquiries about special issues. We are particularly interested in topics that place different areas of English studies (e.g., linguistics, literature, teaching and learning) in dialogue. While scholars based in institutions outside the Nordic countries are welcome to submit proposals for special issues, we expect at least one contribution to be from a scholar at a Nordic institution. 

The general issues serve as a venue for original research in the fields of English studies, including language, literature, culture, and the teaching and learning of English. For our general issues, we invite submissions from scholars with an affiliation to a Nordic institution. 

We also publish conference proceedings and festschrifts to honour a Nordic colleague if they can be subsumed under a special theme. The journal also publishes reviews of books thought to be of interest to our readers.

The policy of the journal is also to provide a possibility for early career or doctoral researchers to publish their articles on English language or literature in a peer-reviewed journal along with more established scholars.

Our readership consists of researchers and teachers both in the Nordic countries and beyond.

Peer-Review Policy

All submitted manuscripts are first assessed by an editor who decides whether the manuscript is suitable to be sent for peer review.

Manuscripts deemed suitable for further review are sent to two or more experts who are tasked with highlighting the manuscript's general and specific merits and shortcomings.

The journal uses a double-blind review procedure before acceptance/rejection of manuscripts, which means that authors and reviewers are anonymous throughout the review process.

The review process is expected to take 6 to 8 weeks but may vary.

Based on the review, the editor then compiles a recommendation to a) accept the manuscript for publication b) ask the author to revise the manuscript or c) reject the manuscript.

The overall publishing responsibility rests with the journal's editors-in-chief. The editors-in-chief have a qualified editorial board for support in various issues regarding the publication of individual manuscripts, the journal's development, etc.

In cases where a manuscript’s author is in some way associated with the editorial team, they will be removed from all editorial tasks for that article. An independent editor will be tasked with organizing the peer-review process. The author's affiliation with the journal will also be indicated in the final publication of the article.

The journal accepts manuscripts that have previously been uploaded for review as preliminary versions, on personal websites, presented at conferences, or made available through other informal communication channels. However, authors must hold copyright for the text in question.

Authors are also encouraged, when available, to include links to previous versions of the article in the final version of the article published in the journal.

Publication Frequency

The journal is published online, with one volume per year. A volume comprises general issues and special themed issues, numbered consecutively. We aim to publish 1-2 general issues and at least one special issue per year.

Publication Fees

The journal does not charge any publication fees.