Journal Information

Journal name: Nordic Journal of English Studies

Journal abbreviation: NJES

ISSN (Online): 1654-6970

ISSN (Print; journal is entirely digital as of 2007): 1502-7694 

Editors-in-chief: Dr Virginia Langum and Prof Terry Walker

Editors-in-chief’s email addresses: and

Publishers: Nordic Association of English Studies (NAES) and Umeå University

Publisher’s organization number (Umeå University): 202100-2874 

Publisher contact (NAES): Dr Anna Swärdh, Stockholm University

Publisher contact's email address:

Journal owner: Nordic Association of English Studies

Article Processing Charges (APCs): There are no fees for publishing in Nordic Journal of English Studies.

License: Content in the journal in Volume 18 and subsequent volumes is published under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 License. Content in Volumes 1 - 17 was published under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 License. Licensing and copyright information are indicated on each article’s landing page.

Copyright: Authors retain copyright of their work.

Funding: The journal previously received funding from NOS-HS (The joint committee for Nordic research councils in the humanities and social sciences); however, this grant has been discontinued and our funding will run out in 2023.

Publication frequency: The journal publishes 1-2 general issues and at least one special issue per year.

Indexing: Nordic Journal of English Studies is indexed in Scopus, Google Scholar, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), SCImago, Gale Literature, and OpenAIRE.