Looking up substance and procedure via alternative DNS providers: the tale of injunctions to enforce copyright
The request to contribute to an issue to celebrate the work of Marianne Levin brought back plenty of nice memories. I had the pleasure of knowing Marianne for many years and I remember with pleasure those sessions I taught in Stockholm with Marianne and her dog in the back of the room. And when they took place on a Saturday her father would come along too and on a couple of occasions we ended up lunching on pizza at Pic-Nic on campus. Later on, we did our EU funded project on human embryonic stem cells and on one occasion Marianne chaired a meeting from campus whilst I was stuck on a plane that had diverted to Gothenburg because the radar at Arlanda Airport had gone down. With the doors of the plane open I could join the meeting via mobile and when I finally hurried in by taxi from Bromma Airport the draft we had been discussing was all ready and merely needed proofreading.
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