Journal Information

Journal name: Stockholm Intellectual Property Law Review (SIPLR) 

Journal abbreviation: SIPLR

ISSN (Print): 2003-2390

ISSN (Online): 2003-2382

Editor-in-chief: Frantzeska Papadopoulou Skarp

Editor-in-chief’s email address:

Publisher: Stockholm Intellectual Property Law Review

Publisher’s organization number: 802517-0377

Publisher contact: Frantzeska Papadopoulou Skarp (Editor-in-chief)

Publisher contacts' email addresses:

Journal owner: Stockholm Intellectual Property Law Review

Article Processing Charges (APCs): There are no fees associated with publishing in SIPLR.

License: All content in SIPLR, from Volume 1 onwards, is published with a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 License

Copyright: Authors retain copyright of their work.

Funding: Sponsors, Foundation Grants, Stiftelsen Juridisk Fakultetslitteratur

Publication frequency: SIPLR is published twice a year, in June and in December. 

Printed copies: If you wish to order printed copies of SIPLR, please contact us.