Editorial Team


Cemil Eren Fırtın, School of Public Administration, University of Gothenburg, Sweden



Per Nikolaj Bukh, Department of Economics and Management at Aalborg University, Denmark

Vanja Carlsson, School of Public Administration, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Grétar Eyþórsson, School of Business and Science, University of Akureyri, Iceland

Sebastian Godenhjelm, Swedish School of Social Science, University of Helsinki, Finland

Linnéa Henriksson, Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Economics, Åbo Akademi University, Finland

Christian Lo, Faculty of Social Sciences, Nord University, Bodø. Norway

Mikael Löfström, School of Public Administration, University of Gothenburg, Sweden


Managing Editor

Patrik Renberg, School of Public Administration, University of Gothenburg, Sweden


Editorial Board

Peter Aagaard, Roskilde University, Denmark

Daniela Andrén, Örebro University, Sweden

Jens Blom-Hansen, Aarhus University, Denmark

Mats Fred, Lund University, Sweden

Kirsi-Mari Kallio, University of Turku, Finland

Siv Sandberg, Åbo Akademi University, Finland

Stefan Sjöblom, University of Helsinki, Finland

Fredrik Svärdsten Nymans, Stockholm University, Sweden

Elisabeth Sundin, Linköping University, Sweden

Daniel Tyskbo, Halmstad University, Sweden

Allison Östlund, University of Gothenburg, Sweden


International Advisory Board

The International Advisory Board members are top scholars in various fields within the broad area of public administration, representing different countries. The International Advisory Board is distinct from the Editorial Board, though advisory board members may potentially act as peer reviewers for up to two manuscripts per year, depending on their availability. The role of the International Advisory Board includes:

  • Participating in the annual meeting to discuss the future directions of the journal and identify potential areas for development.
  • Promoting SJPA in their respective countries to attract international scholarly contributions.
  • Consulting with the Editor-in-Chief and Co-Editors on cutting-edge trends in the field of public administration.

The International Advisory Board members thus have a more strategic and consultative role rather than an editorial one. However, they can also be asked to review submitted manuscripts if the topic of the manuscript matches their area of expertise. This dual function allows the International Advisory Board members to contribute to the journal's development and quality assurance, leveraging their specialized knowledge to provide valuable insights during the peer review process.

Current members of the International Advisory Board are:

Enrico Bracci, University of Ferrara, Italy

Evelyn Z. Brodkin, The University of Chicago, USA

Denita Cepiku, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

Istemi Demirag, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia

John Dumay, Macquarie University, Australia

Giuseppe Grossi, Kristianstad University, Sweden; Nord University, Norway

Morten Balle Hansen, UCL University College, Denmark; SDU University of Southern Denmark

Lise Justesen, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Noriaki Okamoto, Rikkyo University, Japan

Ileana Steccolini, University of Essex, UK

Ebru Tekin Bilbil, Özyegin University, Turkey

Anna Thomasson, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Wouter Van Dooren, University of Antwerp, Belgium

Marieke van Genugten, Radboud University, Netherlands

Ed Vosselman, Radboud University, Netherlands

Justin Waring, University of Birmingham, UK