Lesson learned from a snow leopard eco-camp program in Mongolia


  • Nadia Mijiddorj Snow Leopard Conservation Foundation Mongolia
  • Batbayar Ganchudur National University of Mongolia
  • Gustaf Samelius Snow leopard Trust/ Nordens Ark
  • Justine Shanti Alexander Wildlife Conservation Society Mongolia Program




snow leopard, education, Mongolia, children


Environmental education can efficiently engage individuals in addressing environmental chall- enges and promote collaboration among stake- holders. The aim of this paper was to understand how children participating in eco-camps perceived nature and the environment. Additionally, we aim to share our experiences from eight years of eco-camp activities conducted for sixth-grade students (aged 12-13 years) in the Gobi region of southern Mongolia. The program utilized active learning in snow leopard habitats. We used creative expressions, specifically write-ups such as poems, to capture the children's perceptions and feelings about nature. The findings revealed that the children participating in the program conveyed a sense of awe for nature and awareness of ecosystem services. Feedback from parents and teachers indicated that the program was effective at creating positive changes in the childrenʼs behavior. While short-term outcomes were evident, further investigation into the long- term sustainability of these changes are needed.



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How to Cite

Mijiddorj, N., Ganchudur, B., Samelius, G., & Alexander, J. S. (2024). Lesson learned from a snow leopard eco-camp program in Mongolia . Snow Leopard Reports, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.56510/slr.v3.22114



Research Notes