Bengmarks begärliga biotika
Prebiotika, probiotika, endotoxiner, kronisk/systemisk inflammationAbstract
Den lundensiske kirurgprofessorn Stig Bengmark har efter sin pensionering ägnat sig åt forskning och hälsoupplysning om hälsoeffekterna av tarmens bakterieflora samt den sjukdomsalstrande rollen som kroniska eller systemiska inflammationer spelar. Bengmark har behandlat den roll som kostfibrerna, prebiotika, spelar. Han har kanske främst studerat de godartade tarmbakterierna, probiotika, och även de skadliga effekterna av bakteriegifter, endotoxiner. Han har belyst den mekanism som kroniska eller systemiska inflammationer spelar för utvecklingen av cancer, hjärtkärlsjukdomar och andra systemsjukdomar. Bengmarks forskning har därmed flyttat forskningshorisonterna framåt och pekat på nya samband mellan inflammation, tarmflora, kostfibrer och endotoxiner.
Professor Stig Bengmark, for many years professor of surgery at Lund University, Sweden, has after his retirement focused on research and health education on the role of intestinal microflora on health, and on the pathogenic role played by chronic and systemic inflammation. Bengmark has addressed the role played by fibers, prebiotics, on health. He has first and foremost studied the role played by the beneficial intestinal microbiota, probiotics, and the detrimental effects of endotoxins. He has also highlighted the mechanism of chronic and systemic inflammation in the development of cancer, cardiovascular and other systemic diseases. Bengmark´s research has thus moved the research horizons forward and highlighted previously unknown correlations between inflammation, intestinal microflora, fiber, and disease.
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