Author Guidelines

ARV. Nordic Journal of Folklore publishes scholarly articles and reviews written by Nordic students of folklore or on Nordic topics by foreign scholars and is directed to a wide audience. It reflects a broad range of professional concerns and theoretical orientations. The articles present significant research findings and theoretical analyses from folklore fields. The views expressed are those of the authors.

ARV does not charge any publication fees.

Manuscripts should be submitted through the online form. Authors may submit manuscripts to the research articles section, which will be peer reviewed, and to the book reviews section, which are not peer reviewed.

All correspondence should be sent to the editor at After manuscripts have been evaluated by anonymous referees, the editor will notify the authors about acceptance, rejection, or desired alterations. Rejected manuscripts will be returned. English will be preferred.

Illustrations, with captions, should be submitted together with the text. The author will receive the first proof, while the second one is read by the editor.

Alterations against the manuscripts will normally not be accepted, unless the author pays for them.

The author will receive a free copy of ARV. Additional copies must be ordered in connection with the return of the proof. 

Authors of articles published in ARV retain copyright to their work.


Typescript: Page 1 should contain title and the name of the author, e.g.

Grief at the Loss of a Pet – As Exemplified by the Cat

Anders Gustavsson

The manuscript should also include the author’s full postal address at the end of the running text (title, name, institution), e.g.

Name:  Arne Bugge Amundsen
Title:  Professor of Cultural History
Department:  Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages Institution University of Oslo
Address:  P.O.Box 1010, Blindern City NO-0315 Oslo
Country:  Norway

Number all pages consecutively. Desired position of illustrations should be clearly marked.


On the first page of the manuscript an abstract of the article should be presented: 8-10 lines (maximum 200 words) , ending with 5-8 key words

Running text:
- To make something stand out only italics are to be used. Italics can be used for terms and passages, and foreign language terms (e.g. axis mundi). Literature titles in the running text should always be marked by italics.
- Abbreviations consisting of several letters, such as e.g. or i.e. should not be separated by spaces.
- Running text should be set in grouped style, with 1,5 line spacing and no extra line.
- Headings and longer quotations should be the only ones with a blank line before and after.
- New breaks should begin with an indention, except after heading, long quotation or illustration.

Verbatim quotations:
- Verbatim quotations are generally emphasized by “typographic quotation-marks”.
- Quotations within quotations “are marked by ‘simple quotation marks’”.
- If a whole sentence or the last sentence of a longer quotation is quoted in full, then the closing quotation -mark should be set after the full-stop. If only part of a sentence or a term within an accompanying sentence is quoted, the full-stop should be set after the closing quotation -mark. Example: Jones says that “it is impossible to estimate the damages. It will remain a mystery.” Peters, on the other hand, is not “willing to accept this statement”.

Notes and references:
- Endnotes should be used. Footnotes should be reserved for additional information or comments.
- The list of references should not include any publication not cited or referred to in the text.
- Bibliographic references in the text are given as: (Andersson 1986:125) or (Pettersson & Lundström 1984:45). Subsequent references in the text are given as (Andersen 1986:125; Petterson & Lundström 1984:45; Green 1991:14).
- In the list of references the following usage is adopted:

For journals and composite works:
Green, Archie 1991: Labor Song. Journal of Folklore Research 28.
Palmenfelt, Ulf 1992: I drömbokens värld. Drömmar och kultur. Stockholm. (NIF Publications 23).

For books:
Burke, Peter 2009: Cultural Hybridity. Cambridge.