Letter from the Editor


  • Anette Svensson Malmö universitet


The current issue consists of seven articles covering diverse aspects of educational issues such as guardians’ participation in preschool education; how students enrolled in a teacher programme specialising in school-age educare articulate their educational choices in relation to migrant background, gender and class; the construction of the research area Svenskämnesdidaktik as perceived through a corpus of job announcements; variations that appear in preschool teachers’ perceptions of experiences from conducting systematic child talks in preschool; how practitioners perceive their experiences with values clarification, a technique comprising of various exercises employed to process diverse themes; preschool teachers’ and head teachers’ conceptions and experiences during the initial phase of the national improvement initiative, Collaboration for the Best School Possible and manifestations of professional agency in teacher educators during higher education’s transition to emergency remote work.




How to Cite

Svensson, A. (2024). Letter from the Editor. Educare, (2), i-iv. Retrieved from https://publicera.kb.se/educare/article/view/32860



Letter from the Editor