Letter from the Editor


  • Anette Svensson


The current issue consists of seven articles covering diverse aspects of educational issues such as a comparative analysis of two different frameworks for discourse analysis in the science classroom, a critical analysis of the model that is used to generate test grades in Swedish national tests, a critical discourse analysis of national policy documents focusing on how the concept of gender equality and the compulsory school’s gender equality mission can be understood, an analysis of how the concept of “weak pupils” as social representation has been, and still is, (re)produced in governmental inquiries,  difficulties in written productions at the early stages of primary teacher programme, teaching practices characterised by translanguaging in multilingual classrooms in Sweden and the professional role of teachers of Swedish as a second language.




How to Cite

Svensson, A. (2023). Letter from the Editor. Educare, (1), i-iv. Retrieved from https://publicera.kb.se/educare/article/view/45584



Letter from the Editor