Student Teachers as Co-Creators when Elaborating on a Model for Multimodal Text Analysis




design-based research approach, multimodal text analysis, social semiotics, student agency, teacher education


In this paper we present our work process, methods and concerns in developing and implementing a model for analysis of multimodal texts. Using a design-based research approach and a multimodal social semiotic framework on communication, we investigated three different groups of students using video recordings and participatory observations. The results revealed the development of the model through three different design cycles into the current version and how students contributed to this process. In addition, we examined how the design process can be understood from the concept of student agency and how it contributes to the understanding of theory. The findings show that by applying a design process, students are offered student agency while creating an opportunity for a joint exploration between students and teachers, which is a rewarding experience that contributes to the development of all participants.


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How to Cite

Norberg, M., & Dahlström, H. (2023). Student Teachers as Co-Creators when Elaborating on a Model for Multimodal Text Analysis. Educare, (2), 87–113.


