Vad mammor beskriver att de gör för att stödja sina barn i årskurs 1, med ett särskilt fokus på läs- och skrivutveckling
children’s education, children’s reading and writing, grade 1, parent perspective, thematic analysisAbstract
The purpose of the study is to contribute with knowledge about what mothers describe doing to support their children in grade 1. The research questions are as follows: What do the mothers do to support their children’s education on a general level? What do the mothers do to specifically support their children’s reading and writing development? Eleven parents (all mothers) participated. Interviews were analysed thematically, whereby six themes addressing their support were identified: 1) Talk with children about school; 2) Handle school-related problems; 3) Have a positive attitude towards school; 4) Guide children’s reading and writing; 5) Coach specific training; and 6) Collaborate with school staff about children’s reading homework. The bioecological model for human development constitutes a theoretical frame and an understanding of what influences children’s development, for example, parents’ support to children’s reading and writing development. It provided useful concepts (e.g., microsystem, proximal processes, mesosystem, and chronosystem) for a discussion of the themes. The study is relevant for prospective and professional teachers in early grades, special needs teachers, other school staff, principals, policymakers, and parents.
This is a revised version of the article where the repetition of a paragraph has been removed.
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