Looking Back to See Ahead: An Analysis of K-12 Distance, Online, and Remote Learning During the Pandemic





K-12 distance learning, K-12 online learning, K-12 remote learning, emergency remote teaching, virtual schooling, cyber schooling, K-12 e-learning


While the use of distance and online learning had been used for over a century in the K-12 setting (including in isolated ways during previous pandemics and natural disasters), the complete worldwide closure of schools focused attention on the use of distance and online tools and content to provide continuity of learning in a remote context. The way in which both practitioners and scholars make sense of what has occurred over the past 18 months, and what is likely to continue into the future, will impact both regular schooling and how we prepare for future crisis. This article explores this pandemic pedagogy, with a goal of situating the events since March 2020 within the broader field and providing guidance on a path forward.


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