Why publish with JDSR?


JDSR accepts submissions in all fields of social science relating to the digital society, including inter alia: sociology, informatics, pedagogy, education science, gender studies, law, psychology, economy, social work and geography. We welcome and encourage cross-disciplinary submissions.


As digital issues tend to transcend borders JDSR has an international viewpoint and prioritize submissions which are of interest from an international standpoint. National or regional case-studies are of course also of interest but should be put in context and made relevant for international readers. We are supported by a fantastic international editorial board of really great researchers.


JDSR is published solely online and submissions are published as soon as they have completed the review process. We believe that current research needs to reach its audience as fast as a stringent scientific peer-review process and quality control allows. Submissions are published on a rolling basis and consecutively gathered into volumes and issues for ease of identification and referencing. Further assistance and information for authors can be found in the Submission Guidelines.

Truly Open Access

JDSR is an open access journal. All new submissions are published under a Creative Commons BY-SA license, meaning that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his or her institution. Users may copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format as well as remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. Learn more here >>


JDSR is supported by a strong international network of academics in the field of digital social research. All submissions that fit within the scope of the journal are subject to double blind peer review by experts in the field. Read more about our scientific committee here.


JDSR is not affiliated with any large corporate publisher earning money from the work of academics. JDSR is run by academics for academics and associated with DIGSUM, the Centre for Digital Social Research at Umeå university, Sweden. DIGSUM gathers researchers from all fields of the social sciences with an interest in how digital technologies transform societies. Read more about DIGSUM here. JDSR is funded by DIGSUM and supported by a publishing grant from the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet).