Journal Information

Journal name: Journal of Digital Social Research

Journal abbreviation: JDSR

Issn (Online): 2003-1998

Editor in chief: Simon Lindgren

Editor in chief's email

Publisher: DIGSUM (Centre for Digital Social Research), Umeå University

Publisher's address: DIGSUM, Department of Sociology, Umeå University, 90187 Umeå

Publisher's organization number: 202100-2874

Journal owner: DIGSUM (Centre for Digital Social Research), Umeå University

Contact person for owner: Simon Lindgren, Department of Sociology, Umeå University

Contact person's email

Publishing fees: The journal does not charge any author or publication fees.

Publication frequency: The journal publishes four issues per year. 

Funding: JDSR is funded by DIGSUM and supported by a publishing grant from the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet).

License: Creative Commons CC BY-SA

Copyright: Authors retain copyright to their work.

Abstracting and indexing: Directory of Open Access Journals, Norska listan