Privacy attitudes and behaviors in the age of post-privacy: An empirical approach


  • Nicolas Demertzis National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; and National Centre for Social Research (EKKE)
  • Katerina Mandenaki National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; and National Centre for Social Research (EKKE)
  • Charalambos Tsekeris National Centre for Social Research (EKKE)



World Interent Project, social media, privacy, surveillance, social capital


The digital world is a field of information and entertainment for users and a field of extraction of the most valuable good of recent years: personal data. How much of a threat to privacy is the collection and processing of data by third parties and what do people think about it? On the occasion of the extensive methods of surveilling citizens and collecting their data, this study attempts to contribute new empirical data evidence from the international research on the use of the Internet by the World Internet Project on attitudes and behaviors of individuals regarding online privacy and surveillance. The aim is to determine whether and to what extent the recorded concerns about the violation of privacy intersects with a growing acceptance of its very absence.


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