Special Issue Introduction: Making Sense of Institutional Changes in the Welfare Professions





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Author Biographies

Johan Alvehus, Department of Service Studies, Lund University, Sweden

Johan Alvehus is professor at the Department of Service Studies, Lund University. His research centres on management and leadership in, and of, professional service organizations from leadership and institutional theory perspectives. His work has been published in LeadershipOrganization StudiesJournal of Professions and Organizations, and Human Resource Management Journal, among others. He also publishes on methodology and academic writing. His most recent book is The Logic of Professionalism, published by Bristol University Press.

Henrik Loodin, Department of Service Studies, Lund University, Sweden

Henrik Loodin has a PhD in sociology and works as senior lecturer at the Department of Service Studies, Lund University. His research focuses on medical sociology, the managerialisation of health care, and mental health in welfare professions. He has published in journals such as Nursing Inquiry and the Journal of Urban Design, as well as books on antibiotic resistance and health management. He has also participated in applied research and developed national training programmes on preventing mental illness in welfare professions.




How to Cite

Alvehus, J., & Loodin, H. (2023). Special Issue Introduction: Making Sense of Institutional Changes in the Welfare Professions. Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration, 27(3), 1–6. https://doi.org/10.58235/sjpa.v27i3.15895