Five Political Science Contributions to Evaluation Research


  • Evert Vedung Uppsala University Institute for Housing and Urban Research
  • Morten Balle Hansen Department of Political Science, Aalborg University
  • Pekka T. Kettunen University of Jyväskylä



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Author Biographies

Evert Vedung, Uppsala University Institute for Housing and Urban Research

Evert Vedung is emeritus professor of political science, especially housing policy with office space at Uppsala University ́s Institute for Housing and Urban Research. He serves as a visiting professor (part-time) at Linnaeus University ́s Dept of Social Work, and as evaluation advisor (part-time) at Samordningsförbundet Västra Skaraborg. His works in English on evaluation include Public Policy and Program Evaluation (1997, 2010, author) and Carrots, Sticks and Sermons (1998, 2003, coeditor).

Morten Balle Hansen, Department of Political Science, Aalborg University

Morten Balle Hansen, PhD. Professor. Works at the department of Political Science, Aalborg University, Denmark and is a leader of the research group for Public Administration which is related to the Centre for Organization, Management and Administration (COMA). Has been doing research in the management of public sector organizations since the early 1990ies and published in journals such as American Journal of Evaluation, Public Administration, Public Management Review and International Review of the Administrative Sciences. Combines research in leadership behavior in public organizations with research in public policy processes in general and evaluation processes in particular. In recent years he has increasingly directed his research activities towards a comparative perspective on the dynamic relations between public management reforms, innovation processes and leadership.

Pekka T. Kettunen, University of Jyväskylä

Pekka T. Kettunen works as a professor of evaluation of social services at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. His previous work has covered implementation and policy analysis, comparative local government research, and organisation and network analysis. He has published journal articles in e.g. Local Government Studies, Regional and Federal Studies, European Journal of Political Research and Croatian Political Science Review, and articles in edited books published by University College London, Lexington Books, Sage and Edwin Mellen Publishers. Professor Kettunen is currently working in the area of evaluation with such topics as evidence-based evaluation and the usage of evaluation findings in policy-making.




How to Cite

Vedung, E., Hansen, M. B., & Kettunen, P. T. (2012). Five Political Science Contributions to Evaluation Research. Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration, 16(3), 3–7.



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