Dieter och identiteter
Neolitisk matkultur på Öland utifrån analys av stabila isotoper
Archaeology, isotope analysis, Neolithic, graves, ÖlandAbstract
With the aim of examining the economic impact of the introduction of farming on the island of Öland; skeletal material from a passage grave in Resmo has been subjected to stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis. The results reveal a continued utilisation of marine resources, combined with terrestrial resources, throughout the Middle Neolithic. A shift towards a purely terrestrial (i.e. domesticated) economy took place, as late as the Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age. Further, through comparing the results from Resmo with stable isotope data from the Pitted Ware Culture Site Köpingsvik on Öland, distinct differences in the dietary practices between the two sites can be observed. This implies the existence of two separate, coeval populations on Öland, throughout the Middle Neolithic; with different economies, burial practices and material culture.
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