Introduction Culture on the move: Towards a minorization of cultural difference


  • Zlatan Filipovic University of Gothenburg



This Special Issue would not have been possible without the enduring effort of the contributors whose patience has been paramount to what, at times, must have seemed as an endless unfolding of revisions before we could find the right pitch and I’m indebted to all of you for your commitment and support. Special thanks also is due to the Institute for American Universities and Professor Maria Van Liew whose initiative for a conference on the topic in Barcelona 2018 provided a much appreciated catalyst for the volume. School of Education and Communication at Jönköping University and its research focus in Communication, Culture and Diversity with Professor Ylva Lindberg at the helm have also been instrumental in providing continuous suport for the project as well as my own Department of Languages and Literatures at the University of Gothenburg with its established research field in Transcultural Studies. I also owe a debt of gratitude to the editorial team at Moderna Språk and our brilliant Anna Gudmundson, above all, whose attentive eye, appreciation and tireless enthusiasm have made this volume finally see the light of day.

Most of all, however, I want to thank my awesome wife Maria and my son and daughter, Mies and Dalia Belle, whose love and joy are the foundational pillars of all my endeavours. 

Zlatan Filipovic, July 2020.


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How to Cite

Filipovic, Z. (2020). Introduction Culture on the move: Towards a minorization of cultural difference. Moderna Språk, 114(4), 1–15.