
  • Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922-1975): spunti e ricerche
    Vol. 117 No. 2 (2023)

    Guest editors: Anna Finozzi, Marta Garbelli & Tiziano Toracca 

  • Monográfico. Fantasías pornotópicas. Subjetividades deseantes en América Latina: postpornografía y pornoterrorismo
    Vol. 115 No. 3 (2021)

    Guest editor: Ángeles Mateo Del Pino

    The aim of this monograph is to interrogate and question the mechanisms of sexual production; to debate sexuality and the dominant pornography, as well as to make known other dissident representations, other desiring subjectivities. Reviewing pornographic, post-pornographic or porn-terrorist texts and images will allow us to explore, from an intersectional framework, how different categories are intertwined: gender, race, ethnicity, ability, sexuality, social class, nationality, etc. At the same time, a look towards/from Latin America will help us to draw the specificities of these spaces and their link with the immediate context. As Lucía Egaña emphasizes, postporn cannot be defined exclusively by its contents, but rather by the political processes it engenders or triggers. The modes are different, which will help us to interpret how binarism and hegemonic sexuality are embodied and deconstructed in Latin America. This will enable us to share knowledge about the latest research on culture in general and sexuality in particular.

    El objetivo de este monográfico es el de interrogar y cuestionar los mecanismos de producción sexual; debatir en torno a la sexualidad y la pornografía dominante, así como dar a conocer otras representaciones disidentes, otras subjetividades deseantes. Revisar los textos y las imágenes pornográficas, postpornográficas o pornoterroristas nos permitirá explorar, desde un marco interseccional, cómo se entrelazan distintas categorías: género, raza, etnia, capacidad, sexualidad, clase social, nacionalidad, etc. A la vez que una mirada hacia/desde América Latina nos ayudará a dibujar las especificidades de esos espacios y su vinculación con el contexto inmediato. Como enfatiza Lucía Egaña, el postporno no puede ser definido exclusivamente por sus contenidos, sino más bien por los procesos políticos que engendra o desencadena. Los modos son diferentes, los que nos ayudará a interpretar cómo se encarna y deconstruye el binarismo y la sexualidad hegemónica en Latinoamérica. Todo ello nos posibilitará compartir conocimientos sobre las últimas investigaciones acerca de la cultura en general y de la sexualidad en particular.

  • Special Issue. Schreiben und Erzählen: Transdisziplinäre Perspektiven
    Vol. 115 No. 2 (2021)

    Gastherausgeberinnen: Christine Becker, Caroline Merkel, Susanne Tienken

    Unter Mitarbeit von: Julia Baumann, Henrike Bohlin, Fabia Hultin Morger, Fredrik Renard, Nataša Vukelić

    Das vorliegende Sonderheft widmet sich der Erschließung von Schreiben und Erzählen aus transdisziplinärer Perspektive und möchte anhand konkreter Empirie deren Bedeutsamkeit in literarischen Texten und Gebrauchsliteratur, für Menschen in ihren sprachlich gestalteten Lebenswelten und in Lernkontexten veranschaulichen. Das Sonderheft enthält ausgewählte Beiträge, die im Rahmen der 13. Arbeitstagung schwedischer Germanistinnen und Germanisten Text im Kontext präsentiert wurden. Die Tagung fand unter dem Arbeitstitel Narrative Vorgehensweisen aus literaturwissenschaftlicher, fremdsprachendidaktischer und sprachwissenschaftlicher Perspektive am 13./14. April 2018 in Stockholm statt. Wir danken dem Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst, Riksbankens jubileumsfond und der Universität Stockholm herzlich für die finanzielle Unterstützung der Tagung.

    Die Herausgeberinnen danken außerdem den Autorinnen und Autoren für ihre Beiträge und die große Geduld beim Warten auf deren Veröffentlichung, den anonymen Begutachterinnen und Begutachtern für sorgfältige, kluge und konstruktive Reviews und den oben genannten Doktorierenden für die redaktionelle Betreuung der Beiträge. Unser besonderer Dank gilt der Hauptredakteurin für Moderna språk, Anna Gudmundson, für ihre unermüdliche Unterstützung, ohne die der Band nicht hätte online gehen können.

  • Special Issue. Culture on the move: Towards a minorization of cultural difference
    Vol. 114 No. 4 (2020)

    Guest editor: Zlatan Filipovic

    This Special Issue would not have been possible without the enduring effort of the contributors whose patience has been paramount to what, at times, must have seemed as an endless unfolding of revisions before we could find the right pitch and I’m indebted to all of you for your commitment and support. Special thanks also is due to the Institute for American Universities and Professor Maria Van Liew whose initiative for a conference on the topic in Barcelona 2018 provided a much appreciated catalyst for the volume. School of Education and Communication at Jönköping University and its research focus in Communication, Culture and Diversity with Professor Ylva Lindberg at the helm have also been instrumental in providing continuous suport for the project as well as my own Department of Languages and Literatures at the University of Gothenburg with its established research field in Transcultural Studies. I also owe a debt of gratitude to the editorial team at Moderna Språk and our brilliant Anna Gudmundson, above all, whose attentive eye, appreciation and tireless enthusiasm have made this volume finally see the light of day.

    Most of all, however, I want to thank my awesome wife Maria and my son and daughter, Mies and Dalia Belle, whose love and joy are the foundational pillars of all my endeavours

    Zlatan Filipovic

  • Special Issue on Possessive Constructions in Romance
    Vol. 114 No. 3 (2020)

    Guest editors: Miriam Bouzouita & Matti Marttinen Larsson

  • Special issue on literary mediators from the Romance languages in Sweden
    Vol. 110 No. 3 (2016)

    Guest editors: Ken Benson, Mickaëlle Cedergren, Cecilia Schwartz

    This special issue of Moderna Språk contains articles on Swedish mediators who have  introduced, translated and reviewed literary texts from the Romance languages. More specifically, the contributions are the outcome of the symposium ”Litteraturförmedlare i Sverige från 1945 till våra dagar” (’Literary mediators in Sweden from 1945 until today’) which took place at Stockholm University 11–12 June 2015.

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