Lovö i Mälaren
English: Lovö in Lake Mälaren
island names, etymology, phonology, morphology, semantics, prehistoric topographyAbstract
Lovö (logø 1289, lofuø 1438) is the name of a parish in the province of Uppland. The parish took its name from the island of Lovön (Loghø 1357, lofføøn 1483) in Lake Mälaren. Lovö may contain an adjective stem Proto-Scandinavian *lauhuʒ- formed from Old Scandinavian *lō f. (< *lauhō). Supposed meanings of *lō are ʻmeadow by a watersideʼ and ʻglade, open placeʼ. Another possible starting-point when studying the place-name Lovö is Proto-Germanic *wlōh- in Norwegian and Swedish lo ʻnapʼ.