Tre nyanser av adekvans. Om grader av källbundenhet i spänningsfältet mellan det vernakulära och det kosmopolitiska i tre svenska översättningar




adequate translation, foreignizing translation, abusive fidelity translation, Caribbean literature, commercial vernacularism


It is well known that the Swedish literary culture is open and that the most common overall translation strategy for high prestige fiction is adequate, in the Toury sense (2012 p. 70). But are there different degrees of adequacy? And do translators favor vernacular or cosmopolitan stances in their overall adequate translations? Are there any signs of commercial vernacular­ ism on the cover of the studied Caribbean novels translated from English, French and English/ Spanish?

By employing the transformations reduction, substitution and retention, the results of the study show that retention is by far the most used transformation by the Swedish publishers and translators, concerning both the paratexts and translated texts. Commercial vernacularism is detectable on the covers. However, the strength of retention varies within the overall adequate translations; from an adequate translation conforming to Swedish expectancy norms for trans­ lated high prestige fiction, which is employed by the translator of the novel Lucy by Jamaica Kincaid, over a foreignizing translation strategy reminding the reader of the presence of the culturally Other, used by the translator of Maryse Condé’s novel Traversée de la mangrove, to the abusive fidelity translation challenging the tolerant Swedish reader’s expectancy norms and translation ethics reading the translation of The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Díaz. The study shows that there are three nuances of adequacy in the studied material.


Yvonne Lindqvist, Department of Swedish and Multilin­gualism, Institute for Interpreting and Translation Studies. Stockholm University

Professor, Institutionen för svenska och flerspråkighet, Tolk- och översättarinstitutet, Stockholms universitet.


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