Journal Information

Journal name: AGATHEOS - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion

Journal abbreviation: aejpr

ISSN (Online): tba

Editor-in-chief: Francis Jonbäck

Editor-in-chief’s email

Publisher: The journal is published under the auspices of the Nordic Society for Philosophy of Religion in cooperation with the University of Gävle and Uppsala University, Sweden

Journal's owner: University of Gävle 

Owner’s organization number: 202100-2890 (University of Gävle)

Article Processing Charges (APCs): There are no fees for publishing in the AGATHEOS - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion.

License: The journal is published under a Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 License. 

Copyright: Authors retain copyright of their work, granting first publication rights to AGATHEOS.

Publication frequency: The journal publishes four issues per year.