Journal Policies


Authors contributing to AGATHEOS - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion agree to publish their articles under a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 license, allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, and to remix, transform, and build upon the material, for any purpose, even commercially, under the condition that appropriate credit is given, that a link to the license is provided, and that you indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. Authors retain copyright of their work, with first publication rights granted to the journal.


Each author (and any co-authors) must meet the following criteria:

  • All must have made a significant contribution;
  • All must, either by writing or by helping to edit the manuscript, have contributed to the design of its intellectual content to a significant degree;
  • All must have approved the submitted manuscript.

Each author must also be able to take responsibility for part of the article's content and be able to identify which co-authors are responsible for the remaining parts.

Those who do not meet these criteria but who nevertheless contributed significantly to the final manuscript should be included in the acknowledgments section. It is the author's responsibility to obtain the written approval of persons named in the acknowledgments section.


Authors of manuscripts and reviewers of the same manuscript must not be close colleagues, family members, work on the same research project, or otherwise have a close collaboration.

Reviewers should only accept to assess manuscripts that fall within their own subject area.

Reviewers should respond to invitations without delay and submit completed reviews within a reasonable time.

Reviewers' comments must not be influenced by the author's nationality, religious or political beliefs, gender or commercial interests.

Reviewers' comments must not contain hostile or provocative language and must not include personal attacks, slander or other derogatory comments.


Beginning when the journal joins Publicera, its current and future content is made available via Publicera and stored long-term on a secure and central server at the National Library of Sweden (KB). In the event that the journal ceases publishing, the journal's content on Publicera will remain archived at KB.


Article authors have the right to self-archive the submitted ("preprint") version of the manuscript and the published version without any embargo period.

Submitted manuscripts and published versions of articles can, for example, be archived on:

  • the author's personal website
  • the author's company website and/or institutional repository or archive
  • non-profit preprint servers or subject-based archives


The journal's editors allow authors to make available earlier drafts of manuscripts/articles on the condition that authors agree to the following:

Authors retain all rights to any previously published version and are permitted to submit their updated manuscript to the journal.

Authors accept that the journal's editors cannot guarantee full anonymity in the review process, even if the author anonymizes his manuscript when earlier versions of the manuscript are made available.

If the manuscript is published in the journal, the author is expected to cross-link, with DOI link, the different versions of the manuscript/article.


The journal's editors strongly recommend that authors who submit manuscripts register an "Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier" or ORCiD.

This registration provides a unique and stable digital author identity that ensures that the article is attributed to the correct person and improves the searchability of all the author's publications. This helps to ensure that the author receives recognition for their work. As a person's ORCiD remains the same as long as the account exists, any name changes, change of employment, department affiliation or research field do not affect the searchability of previous publications. This facilitates correspondence between research colleagues.

The journal's editors encourage all authors to include ORCiD along with other author information when the manuscript is registered in the system. If the article is accepted, this will be published with the article.


As research funders' and universities' demands for open research data become increasingly common, some authors may be required to make their collected empirical material open and available to everyone.

In cases where this applies to the journal's authors, the journal's editors encourage making the data available according to the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable).

In that case, the material made available must be linked to within the submitted manuscript under a special heading. Research data should then be made public when the article is published. Empirical material obtained from other researchers must be referenced in the same way as other scientific sources. For further questions about guidelines for handling open data and guidelines about how data should be handled and published, please contact your university.


The conditions of publication with persistent identifiers such as DOIs include that the object published is final and not changed without readers being clearly informing of this.

Articles published in the journal cannot therefore be changed without a) an erratum or b) a change notice being published and linked to the original article.

If a factual error in an article is discovered, this should be reported to the editor-in-chief, who decides on possible actions and possible corrections.


In the case of formal complaints, disputes, or appeals, authors should contact the Editor-in-Chief, who is responsible for ensuring that a fair, deliberative, and thorough investigation is conducted.


The journal follows the ethical guidelines and best practices set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). All cases of ethical misconduct will be handled in accordance with COPE's recommendations and guidelines.