Instructions for authors


In Situ Archaeologica has no publication fees.

Send your manuscript through our online system. Step by step instructions guide you through the process. If you have questions, please contact the editors:

In Situ Archaeologica publishes the following type of manuscripts: Ordinary articles, Discussion articles and articles collected under a specific theme (please discuss theme with the editors in advance).

Author guidelines

In Situ Archaeologica receives, evaluates and publishes articles continuously. All manuscripts relevant to the journal are assessed by the editorial board and then sent to anonymous peer reviewers for scientific evaluation.

The manuscript file should contain both text and figures at the correct place in the text. Every figure should have its own figure text belove the image. All figures should also be uploaded individually as separate high-resolution files. Figures as Excel charts can be uploaded in one single Excel file. Only one figure per Excel sheets in the Excel file. Name every sheet with the name of the figure.


There is no limit to the length of an article. A target is 80,000 – 100,000 characters with spaces, not including figures, tables and list of references. Please contact the editorial board beforehand if you have a more extensive article to submit.

Discussion section

This is a section for discussion articles commented by experts who are selected by the editors. In turn, the authors can briefly reply to these comments. Such a discussion article should not exceed 30,000 characters with spaces, not including the list of references.

Thematic section

A section that publish articles from several authors on the same theme. These might, for example, include papers from a seminar or articles on the results from a contract archaeological project, etc. The length of these articles should not exceed 40,000 characters with spaces, not including figures, tables and reference list. Please discuss your suggestion with the editorial board in advance.

Style guide

All types of articles must contain an English abstract of at the most 150 words, and a summary containing 500-700 words. It is not necessary to include a summary in articles written entirely in English.

An abstract should provide an overview of the article to enable the readers to assess its relevance for their purposes. The summary should contain a detailed outline of the contents including purpose, method, results and conclusions. It should also refer to presented figures in the article.

All articles should have captions for figures in the Scandinavian language of the article and in English.

All illustrations, figures, photographs, and tables should be numbered consecutively as figures: Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. Abbreviations such as fig. are not acceptable. This applies to captions as well as the running text of the article.

The article begins with a title. Remember that the author’s name is anonymised. Your name and department are added by the editors prior to publication.

Language revision of English sections in Scandinavian language articles is provided by the journal. The journal also provides translation of captions. Language revision of articles entirely written in English is carried out irrespective of your standard of written English; you pay partially or entirely for the cost. Normally, you pay for a portion of the cost of the language revision.

Please use a minimum of formatting; for example, no indentation at the beginning of paragraphs, just begin a new line.

In Situ Archaeologica follows Swedish style guidelines for writing numbers in text. Therefore, spell out one to twelve, but use numerals for 13 and above. The exception is if several numbers occur in the same sentence and one number is under and one over twelve, then write them all as numerals. The same applies to formulations with from-to: e.g. under twelve, five to eight; over 13, 13-22; if mixed, use numerals as in 7-16. Special cases are dates, times, measurements, decimals and numbering, which are always written in numerals. A further exception is extremely large numbers, which may be spelt out, or a combination can be used, e.g. a hundred thousand, 20 million.  Please be consistent throughout the text.

Footnotes are not accepted; endnotes are only accepted as an exception after a discussion with the editors.

Generally, no abbreviations are accepted in the running text or in captions. Spell the words out. Per cent is also spelt out and the sign % is not used in the text. Well-established and correct abbreviations are accepted in tables and figures. Inventions of the author are not accepted.

Three (3) levels of headings are permitted, and should be clearly marked by font size and/or in bold. Use only one (1) typeface.

In Scandinavian language texts, quotations commence with double quotation marks ” and end with ”. In English texts, use either double or single quotation marks (“ ” or ‘ ’) consistently throughout the text. If the quotation is a full sentence, it should end with a full stop, and end with an ellipsis (…) if it is part of a sentence; no space between ellipsis and text. If words are left out of the original text, this is preferably marked by /…/.

Captions are incorporated in the running text at the appropriate place for the figure. A new line is started by writing: Figure + space + number (no abbreviations). Figures, maps, photographs, tables are all consecutively numbered as Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.


Do not attempt any photomontage yourself. Submit the photographs separately together with an explanatory note to the editors. Illustrations must be in file formats jpeg (photos), tiff, eps, alternatively ai files (maps etc.) and a resolution of 300 dpi (note that 300 dpi is not the same as 300 pixels). By adjusting the size of the photo, the actual length and width, you may be able to reduce the file size considerably.

Tables and charts are accepted in Excel, alternatively as tiff files, but are listed as figures, as previously mentioned. Colours are accepted in figures, but please use a colour scheme suitable for colour-blind people.

The meta-data for each file must be as fully completed as possible prior to uploading.


References are listed, surname first, in alphabetical order at the end of the document under the heading References.  The works of the same author are all listed with surname first followed by first name/initials and ordered according to publication year, with the latest publication first; no dashes etc.

The format for in-text referencing is always surname + year in brackets (Petersson 2005). For anthologies, books, reports etc. state the pages after a colon (:) e.g. (Axelsson 2010:5), alternatively (Axelsson 2010:5, 10-15). References to figures etc. are written as follows (Lönn & Claesson 2007: figure 1).

Abbreviations such as f, ff, ibid, etc. should not be used.

If more than one author is cited, place them in alphabetical order according to surname separated by commas (,) e.g. (Axelsson 2010:1–5, Lönn 2002, Petersson 2021: figure 1). When citing several works by the same author, place them in chronological order with the latest first, separated by commas, e.g. (Lönn 2006, 2002, Lönn & Claesson 2007) etc.

Reference list

The list of references is placed at the end of the document and is based on the Harvard referencing system with some exceptions.

  • No brackets around the year; use only initials and full stop (.); no first names.
  • Commas (,) instead of semicolons as separating punctuation.
  • No lists of series of reports or books etc. in the reference. When including a report this should be mentioned in brackets after the title, for example (contract archaeological report).
  • Note the edition of the work if there are several; write Diss. for a dissertation.
  • Information on publisher’s name, place of printing and the number of pages is not mandatory, but please be consistent.
  • Use the customary title of a journal, even abbreviation if this is normally used for the journal. For example: CSA for Current Swedish Archaeology or Fornvännen for Fornvännen: Journal of Swedish Antiquarian Research. However, In Situ Archaeologica is the correct name and no other, but In Situ for publications under the earlier name In Situ Västsvensk arkeologisk tidskrift.
  • No full stops after abbreviations that are followed by other punctuation marks, for example, ?,!,&;().
  • Editor is abbreviated ed./eds. for all works written in other languages than the Scandinavian languages, and red. for works in the Scandinavian languages.
  • DOI should be consistently placed last in the reference but not as a hyperlink.
  • Digital publications are specified as [Elektronisk resurs/electronic source] and placed last in the reference along with website address. For publications available as both electronic sources and published sources, choose one of these for the reference.


Axelsson, T. 2010. Landskap - visuella & rumsliga relationer i Falbygdens neolitikum. Diss. Göteborg, Göteborgs universitet, 2010.

Axelsson, T, Backman, L, Campbell, F & Hansson, J. 1995. Theoretical Debate and Archaeological Periodicals —Incomparable? Current Swedish Archaeology vol. 3.

Lönn, M, Apel, J & Brorsson, T. 2014. Kultplatsen på Stora Holm, Västra Götalands län, Västergötland, Göteborgs kommun, Tuve socken, Stora Holm 38:36, Tuve 46 (uppdragsrapport).

Lönn, M. 2002. Boplatser i udda lägen. I Berggren, Å & Burström, M (red.) Reflexiv fältarkeologi? Återsken av ett seminarium.

Lönn, M & Claesson, P (red.) 2007. Vistelser vid vatten. Gropkeramiska platser och kokgropar från bronsålder och järnålder. [Elektronisk resurs]

Petersson, H. 2020. Markradarundersökningar i Rogaland, västra Norge, In Situ Archaeologica, vol. 14.

Petersson, H. 2020. Å sjå røysa som eit objekt, ein markør og ein prosess av handlingsmønster. I Prøsch-Danielsen, L, Solheim Pedersen, E, Armstrong Oma, K & Petersson, H (red.) Røyser - å utfordre etablerte kategorier i kulturminnevernet (


Try as best you can and if you have any questions do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

The editorial board

In Situ Archaeologica