Till frågan om de rituella depåernas beskaffenhet
Ritual deposits, Hoards, Archaeology, BeliefsAbstract
The concept of ritual deposits (hoards) is unevenly used within archaeology. Thus, the question of the character of ritual deposits is an important issue to consider in theoretical as well as methodological terms. Artefacts in deposits are recurring phenomena for various periods and in different parts of the world, constituting an essential source material for our understanding of the past. This article aims to explore the theoretical implications of the notion of ritual deposits, and discuss methodological aspects of renewed studies of assemblages of valuable artefacts. A model is discussed of how to study the biographies of objects as symbolism in rituals, and treat compound deposits as cohesive entities. Conceivably, it was precisely the combination of certain artefacts and their expression of meaning that gave rise to collective cultural aspirations, which demonstrates that deposits were the result of complex
actions and beliefs.
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