Instructions for authors


  • Sömn och Hälsa does not charge publication fees to authors for publication of articles or submission of manuscripts.
  • Manuscripts can be submitted continuously throughout the year.
  • Authors can contact the editors ( with questions.


  • Manuscripts can be written in Swedish or English.
  • The journal does not provide language review/proofreading services. Submitted manuscripts are expected to be written in correct language and to be proofread.


  • The journal's sections are comprised of are original articles, popular science summaries of studies and essays, book reviews, good examples - experiences of "best practice" and essays.
  • Original articles are peer-reviewed.
  • Number of words for manuscripts in each section:
    • Original articles: 1500 – 5000 words
    • Popular science summaries of studies and essays: 600 – 3000 words
    • Book reviews: 500 – 800 words
    • Good examples - experiences of "best practice" : 600 – 3000 words
    • Essays: 500 – 1200 words



  • Authors are encouraged to use the journal's template for manuscripts.
  • Manuscripts must be submitted double-spaced as well as with page and line numbering.
  • Footnotes or endnotes should be avoided.
  • Pictures, illustrations, tables should be placed in the text. Only content where the author has the copyright may be submitted, alternatively if the author has obtained permission to use material where the copyright is held by a third party.


  • Manuscripts to be uploaded should be in Word format.