Journal Information

Journal name: Idrott, historia & samhälle: Svenska idrottshistoriska föreningens årsskrift (Sport, History & Society)

Journal abbreviation: IHS

ISSN (Print): 0280-2775

ISSN (Online): 2004-7843

Editor-in-chief: Jens Ljunggren 

Editor-in-chief's email:

Publisher/owner: Svenska idrottshistoriska föreningen (SVIF)

Publisher/owner contact: Kjell Fagerqvist, Mariaterrassen 1,134 41 Gustavsberg.

Contact's email:

Publisher's organization number: 802008-2353

Publication fee: There are no publication fees associated with this journal.

Publication frequency: The journal publishes one issue per year.

Order printed copies: The journal's subscribers receive a print copy of the journal each year. As a member of SVIF, you become a subscriber. The fee is SEK 250.

Funding: The journal was previously funded by Centrum för idrottsforskning, as well as member fees. As of 2023, the journal is funded by Riksidrottsförbundet and member fees. 

LicenseCreative Commons CC-BY 4.0 License

Copyright: Authors retain copyright, with first publication rights granted to SVIF