Instructions for authors

Idrott, historia & samhälle (Sport, history & society) is a scholarly forum for sports historical research. It is primarily a platform for sports historians in Sweden and the rest of the Nordic countries, but it also welcomes contributions from the rest of the world. In addition, it constitutes an important and fruitful meeting place between academic historical research and "public" history within the field of sports history. The journal invites contributions relating to sport in the broad sense in relation to competition, physical culture, health, outdoor life, media, pedagogy, associations, politics and society within humanities and social science subjects with a historical perspective. The journal publishes articles, debates and reviews in Swedish as well as the other Scandinavian languages and English.

Fees and Copyright

The journal does not charge any publication fees. Authors retain copyright to their works.


Submitted manuscripts must not have been published in the final form sent to the journal or be under review in other forums. Manuscripts can be submitted throughout the year. For publication in the current year, however, submit no later than 1 May. Submitted manuscripts are assessed on the basis of theme, academic quality, innovation and contribution to the state of research, as well as language and presentation. File format: Word.

For questions, contact the editor, Jens Ljunggren (


The journal publishes material within sections: peer-reviewed original articles and non-peer-reviewed book reviews, debate articles and conference reports. The journal also publishes non-peer-reviewed original articles and research overviews.


The word limit for article manuscripts is 8,000 words including references. Manuscripts must be accompanied by an English abstract of a maximum of 200 words and five keywords.


Book reviews should be 700-2,000 words. Thematic reviews covering multiple books may be longer. The review begins with the book's author, the book's title and the reviewer's name, as follows:

Jörg Krieger:
Power and politics in World Athletics: A critical history.
Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge (2021).

By Daniel Svensson

The review must contain both a summary of the book and an assessment of it. Scholarly texts must be assessed based on the scholarly content (problem formulation, method, material and results in relation to previous research). Non-academic texts must be assessed based on their respective starting points.


Use only one heading level in addition to the main heading.


Manuscripts, articles and reviews must be written in Swedish, one of the other Scandinavian languages or English. The journal does not provide proofreading service.


IHS publishes images in black and white as well as in color, online. As the author, you are responsible for determining image rights and informing the journal of them. The images must have a resolution of at least 300 ppi /dpi. Permission must have been obtained from the copyright holder.


References are given in the form of numbered notes in the text. Literature and reference list are not used. The notes must be formatted as follows:

Books (first reference)

Jan Lindroth, Idrottens väg till folkrörelse: Studier i svensk idrottsrörelse till 1915 (Uppsala 1974), pp. 17–24.

(following references)

Jan Lindroth, Idrottens väg till folkrörelse, p. 54.


Book Chapter (first reference)

Toby C. Rider, ”In the ’Twilight Warzone’: Overt and Covert Dimensions of the US Sports Offensive”, in Robert Edelman, & Christopher Young (eds.), The whole world was watching: Sport in the Cold War (California 2020), p. 30.

(following references)

Toby C. Rider , “In the ' Twilight Warzone '”, p. 45.


Journal article (first reference)

Lee Karam & Ok Gwang, ”The Early Cultural Evolution of Baseball in Korea (1876–1945): Unilateral Product of Cultural Imperialism or Multilateral Process?”, The International Journal of the History of Sport, 2015:3 (vol. 32), p. 32.

(following references)

Lee Karam & Ok Gwang, “The Early Cultural Evolution of Baseball in Korea (1876–1945)”, p. 32.


Daily newspaper articles

Tim Dalbacka, ”Ordförande: Inga kvinnor i F1 inom fem år”, Svenska Dagbladet, 25/8–2022.

Several works in notes are separated with semicolons, pages are indicated with exact numbers, 21–25, not ff., editor is abbreviated "ed.".


Archival material

Go from the smallest to the largest. Archive document, name of the archive, series and volume, name of the institution.


  1. Protokoll 19/11 1897, Hammarby IF:s arkiv, AI:2, SSA.
  2. L M Törngren, ”Gymnastik: föreläsning i Norrköping”, Törngrens arkiv; Vol 13, RA.
  3. Byråchefens föredragningsböcker, Lantbrukstyrelsen, AIb: 2, RA.



Enter the author, title and publication channel (if such information exists) as well as the web address and last date when the information was retrieved, e.g. Margareta Ljung, ”Sam och Greta Adrian och kampen mot Linggymnastikens herravälde”,,, 17/8–2023.


Names of organizations and institutions are printed in full. When abbreviations are used, they are presented the first time in parentheses, e.g. Riksidrottsförbundet (RF), Internationella Olympiska Kommittén (IOK). Abbreviations of the type e.g., i.a., and etc. are not used in the running text. Such abbreviations may appear in notes and are then written with periods. Abbreviations that are more accepted than the original words are printed as such, e.g. AIK, UN, USA.


Printed "6 July, 1912". Hyphens are used in sheet music, 12/6–1912. Years are printed in their entirety, e.g. 1900s, 1970s, 1903, 1916–1921.


Numbers up to twelve are written in letters, thereafter as numerals. However, measurements are given in numerals as are large round numbers, e.g. 30,000 spectators followed the match.