Järnåldersboplatserna vid Säby i Uppsala
Bebyggelsens struktur och utveckling
Archaeological method, Settlement sites, Bronze Age, Iron AgeAbstract
The following text is a presentation of results and archaeological methods used at excavations conducted by Upplandsmuseet (Uppsala County Museum) at Säby in the southeast outskirts of Uppsala during the years 2004–2008. Due to the establishment of light industries in the area, seven settlement sites situated only a few hundred metres apart were excavated and investigated.
They date from the middle of the Bronze Age to the Late Iron Age, but the emphasis is on the Roman Iron Age. The area is characterized by a small-scale settlement structure, where the different settlements display both similarities and differences.
By studying the separate settlements with similar methods and queries it has been possible to view the results as parts of a greater context; it has been possible to cross-reference interpretations.
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