Samhällen i förändring 300–700 e.Kr.
ekonomisk kris eller social nyordning?
Population decrease, Settlement analysis, Migration Period, SSocial and political process, Social organizationAbstract
The aim of this article is to discuss the consequences of a decrease of population in the settled country south of today’s city of Malmö, A D 300–700. This development is interpreted as a dramatic reduction of settlements reflected in the number of farms and the sizes of long-houses. In A D 500–700 the settled area was of minimal extent. This was part of a general decrease of population, farms and settlements in Scandinavia during the Migration Period. The causes and effects of this decline are still under discussion. It
is however clear that the collapse of the social hierarchies and economies of the local communities south of Malmö had the consequence that the diminishing population did not take part in the regional social and political process towards an integrated and centralized social organization in southwest Scania.
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