Bleckblåsinstrument i svensk kavallerimusik under 1800-talets början – en omvälvande period


  • Ann-Marie Nilsson



brass instruments, brass ensembles, early nineteenth century, keyed brass instruments, period instruments, scores for brass ensembles, Swedish military music, valve instruments


Brass instruments in Swedish cavalry music in the early nineteenth century – a period of transition

This article makes use of archival material – early brass scores and financial accounts – in Swedish cavalry regimental archives, providing information about the use of natural horns and trumpets and keyed instruments (keyed bugles, ophicleïdes) and about the introduction of valve brass instruments – French horns, (Swedish) cornets, horns, trombones and bass tubas – in Sweden during the first half of the nineteenth century.

Preserved Swedish cavalry scores from the early nineteenth century reflect Prussian traditions and show how recent compositions, especially pieces of opera music, were arranged by cavalry band masters and musicians, several of which were members of the Royal Orchestra and thus familiar with what was on the fore in the Swedish capital. Their instruments were of north German models, bought by band masters and musicians and copied, repaired and developed by Swedish brass workers and workshops. Keyed and natural instruments were used alongside the new valve instruments from around 1830 and well into the mid-nineteenth century.

Author Biography

Ann-Marie Nilsson

Ann-Marie Nilsson är docent i musikvetenskap vid Uppsala universitet och Åbo Akademi, numera forskande pensionär. Hon har tidigare bland annat varit anställd som lärare vid Musikhögskolan i Piteå och som t.f. professor vid Åbo Akademi samt vid Sveriges Radio, Musikradion, som vikarierande tablå producent. Ann-Marie Nilsson disputerade 1991 vid Göteborgs universitet med avhandlingen On Liturgical Hymn Melodies in Sweden during the Middle Ages. Bland hennes publikationer finns ett flertal utgåvor av och artiklar inom området svensk musikhistoria: medeltida kyrkosång samt blåsmusik (militärmusik) i Sverige, främst monografin Musik till vatten och punsch (2017). Hon har praktisk musikalisk erfarenhet som althornist i Oktetten Ehnstedts Eftr., som hon grundade 1987.




How to Cite

Nilsson, A.-M. (2023). Bleckblåsinstrument i svensk kavallerimusik under 1800-talets början – en omvälvande period. Svensk Tidskrift för Musikforskning Swedish Journal of Music Research, 104, 179–220.




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