Author Guidelines

General information

STM–SJM is a peer-reviewed journal, published online and in print. The journal accepts articles in fields of music research such as music history, music theory and analysis, organology, ethnomusicology, sociomusicology, music aesthetics, music criticism, music education and artistic research in music. Music-related contributions from researchers in other disciplines, particularly in the humanities and social sciences, are also welcome.

The journal aims specially to present research concerned with music and musical life in Sweden and the other Nordic countries (Finland, Denmark, Norway, Iceland), but contributions on other musical topics by Nordic researchers are also welcome.

The journal accepts contributions in Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and English. Abstracts must be in English.

Besides scholarly articles in the above-mentioned fields of research, STM–SJM publishes other kinds of texts, in particular, book reviews but also reports, debate articles and obituaries.

Submitted article manuscripts will be subject to double-blind peer review.

STM–SJM does not charge any publication fees. Authors will not be remunerated for published contributions.


  1. The recommended length of articles is 10,000 words or less, including references and footnotes. In certain cases, longer articles may be accepted. Manuscripts should not have been previously published nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  2. Manuscripts in English should follow British practice as to spelling and punctuation.
  3. Authors should use the following version of the Harvard style of referencing: In deviation from the guide, however, the following should be observed:
    – In the reference list, authors’ and editors’ first name(s), if given in the publication referred to, be rendered in full (not only with initials).
    – ‘p.’ and ‘pp.’ should be followed by a space before the page number (as in ‘p. 35’).
    – In references to a succession of pages, the complete page numbers should be given (as in ‘pp. 123–129’).
    – In headings, only the first letter of the main heading should be upper case.

Examples of items in reference list:


Bjerstedt, Sven, 2021. Storytelling in jazz and musicality in theatre: through the mirror. London: Routledge.

Book chapter

Jullander, Sverker, 2022. ‘Det finnes ej make!’ Om Emil Sjögren och orgeln. In: Anders Edling and Erik Wallrup, eds. Emil Sjögren – en vägvisare. Kungl. Musikaliska Akademiens skriftserie, no. 154. Möklinta: Gidlunds förlag, pp. 77–101.

Article in journal (one author)

Holmgren, Carl, 2018. A philosophic poetic inquiry of three aspects of interpretation within music education research: an auto-ethnodrama in four acts. European Journal of Philosophy in Arts Education, 3 (1), pp. 7–86.

Article in journal (several authors)

Sæther, Eva; Bergman, Åsa; and Lindgren, Monica, 2017. El Sistema – musiklärare i en spänningsfylld modell för inkluderande pedagogik. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, 22 (1–2), pp. 9–27.

Reference section

The reference section may, when applicable, include subcategories under separate headings. These lists should precede the main reference list (which is then headed ‘Literature’) in the following order

  • audio and video (e.g., CDs and films)
  • archives or collections within archives
  • personal communications (verbal or written); for these, the exact date (day, month and year) should be given

Items within these subcategories are ordered alphabetically according to the same principles as in the main reference list. For music audio and video, the soloist, the ensemble, or ensemble leader, is given as the author (though the name[s] of the composer[s] should be given as well); for films, the director.

  1. Article manuscripts should be submitted through the journal’s submission system. The materials should be sent in separate files. Two files, both in Word format, are mandatory.

File 1 should include

  • the full title of the article
  • a summary in English of the article (abstract) of no more than 200 words. The content and style of the abstract should conform to the RILM guidelines
  • a list of 5–10 keywords, separated by commas
  • the complete text of the article, including captions to numbered illustrations and music examples (if applicable). Notes, if used, should be placed as footnotes (not endnotes)
  • a section headed ‘References’ with items in alphabetical order according to the author’s last name (or the name of the issuing organization), for documents without author’s name, the title.

The name of File 1 should be identical to the main title of the article (without author’s name)

Since STM–SJM applies anonymous peer review, the author’s, or authors’, name must not appear anywhere in File 1.

File 2 should include

  • the full title of the article
  • the name, mailing address, e-mail address and telephone number of all authors
  • brief biographical notes (ca 10 lines) on each author

The name of File 2 should consist of the corresponding author’s surname followed by the main title of the article.

Additional materials (figures, tables, other illustrations and musical examples) should be submitted as separate files. All such materials should be sent as TIFF or PDF files with a resolution of no less than 300 dpi; for line drawings, for instance facsimiles of scores, 1200 dpi.  The names of such files should indicate type of material and number, corresponding to the caption in the main text. Examples: ‘Example 1’, ‘Table 2’, ‘Fig. 3’.

If sound files and video files (for online publication) are included, these should be submitted in one of the following formats: wav, mp3 or mp4.

Authors will receive one proof. Changes other than corrections of minor details will not be accepted, except by agreement with the editors.

Authors will be informed immediately when an article is published and will be provided with a direct weblink to the article.

By allowing their articles to be published in the journal, authors also consent to open access publication on the journal’s website.

Short contributions (book reviews, contributions to discussions, obituaries)

  1. The recommended length of short contributions is 12,000 characters or less. In special cases, longer texts may be accepted.
  2. For references, the style specified in the section ‘Articles’ (item 2) above should be used.
  3. Contributions should be submitted as Word files through the journal’s submission system. In addition to the full text of the contribution, the file should include the name, mailing address, e-mail address and telephone number of all authors.
  4. For book reviews, no title or heading is required; headings will be provided by the editors. The initial paragraph should consist of full bibliographical details on the reviewed book, in the following order: first and last names of all authors or editors, year of publication, full title, place of publication, publisher, number of pages, other included material (if applicable) and ISBN number.

    Sverker Jullander and Hans-Ola Ericsson, eds., 2017. Organ prospects and retrospects: texts and music in celebration of Organ Acusticum, Piteå, Sweden. Luleå: Luleå University of Technology. 178 pp. + CD. ISBN 978-91-7583-855-7 (print), ISBN 978-91-7583-856-4 (e-book).

    For obituaries, the heading should consist of the name of the deceased followed by years of birth and death.

    For other short contributions, a heading may be chosen by the author.