Per Larssons »Öfversikt af Färsmålen»
Utgiven och kommenterad av Mathias Strandberg
Per Larsson (1860–1933) was one of the most productive and reliable surveyors of dialects and folk traditions in Sweden’s southernmost province of Scania (Skåne) in the late 19th century. Though he would never publish a scientific work and much less make a career in academia, he laid much of the foundation for what eventually became the Scanian dialect collections of the present-day Institute for Language and Folklore in Sweden. Along with lexical collections comprising several thousand glosses, he wrote several descriptive works on Scanian dialects with an emphasis on the sound system. These were never published in Larsson’s lifetime. Nevertheless, they are indeed relevant to linguists with an interest in Scanian and South Swedish dialect geography. The present work is a commented edition of one of Larsson’s dialect descriptions, namely that of the dialects of the district of Färs in South-East Scania.
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Innehåll publicerat i Svenska landsmål och svenskt folkliv i årgång 2023 och senare publiceras under villkoren i Creative Commons-licensen CC BY, och författarna behåller upphovsrätten till sina verk. CC BY-licensen tillåter användning, nedladdning, distribution, länkning till och reproduktion i vilket medium som helst, förutsatt att originalverket är korrekt citerat.