Journal Information

Journal name: Swedish Dialects and Folk Traditions

Journal abbreviation: SVLM

Issn (Print): 0347-1837

ISSN (Online): 2004-9242

Editor-in-Chief: Mathias Strandberg

Editor-in-Chief's email address: 

Publisher: The Royal Gustavus Adolphus Academy for Swedish Folk Culture

Publisher's address: The Royal Gustavus Adolphus Academy for Swedish Folk Culture,
Klostergatan 2, 753 21, Uppsala

Publisher's organization number: 262000-1178

Contact person for owner: Fredrik Skott

Contact person's email address:

Publishing fees: No publishing fees are charged.

Print copies: Print copies can be ordered (195 SEK per issue) at

Publication frequency: The journal publishes one issue per year. 

License: Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 Licens

Content in the volumes from 1878–2023 (including Series B) was published without a Creative Commons license. Learn more >>

Copyright: Authors retain copyright to their work.