• Acta Logopaedica

    Acta Logopaedica publicerar vetenskapliga studier kring logopediska diagnoser, t ex röststörning, utvecklingsrelaterad språkstörning (DLD), dysfagi, dysartri, afasi, demens, dyslexi: dyskalkuli och norm- och referensdata inom relevanta områden.

  • AGATHEOS – European Journal for Philosophy of Religion

    AGATHEOS – European Journal for Philosophy of Religion is a peer-reviewed international journal devoted to philosophy of religion. Its special mission is to promote scholarly work on religions and worldviews from a diversity of philosophical perspectives. The journal is published under the auspices of the Nordic Society for Philosophy of Religion in cooperation with the University of Gävle and Uppsala University, Sweden.  

  • Arv

    ARV means heritage. ARV. Nordic Yearbook of Folklore presents our mental heritage, folklore, as the foundation of our culture, our patterns of interaction and our world view. Folklore, i.e. popular poetry, belief and custom, is an important identity factor for every nation in historical as well as recent times. ARV was founded in 1945 as a common Nordic journal and has, since then, been published by the Royal Gustavus Adolphus Academy in Uppsala, Sweden. Reading ARV keeps you in touch with recent Nordic folklore and neighbouring disciplines. Recent thematic issues have included magic and witchcraft, memory and culture, and museums and heritage policies.

  • Current Swedish Archaeology

    Current Swedish Archaeology (CSA) is a peer-reviewed journal focusing primarily on the interpretation of the archaeological record and on archaeology as social practice. The aim of the journal is to make findings and discussions in Swedish and wider Nordic archaeology accessible in and outside of the region and to promote contact and debate between Swedish archaeology and the larger international field.

  • European Journal of Empirical Legal Studies

    The European Journal of Empirical Legal Studies (EJELS) is a fully open access peer-reviewed journal devoted to the empirical study of law and legal systems. It aims to bridge the substantive domain of law and the empirical approaches broadly conceived, ranging from quantitative to qualitative methods. The Journal is committed to fostering a methodologically pluralist, intellectually open, and disciplinarily inclusive academic culture. EJELS is not restricted to any particular field of law nor any particular legal system, but particularly welcomes submissions of relevance to a European audience.

  • Ethnologia Scandinavica

    Ethnologia Scandinavica publishes articles on material and social culture, as well as reviews, biographical notes and reports reflecting ethnological contributions and activities in the Nordic countries.

  • Forskning om undervisning och lärande

    Forskning om undervisning och lärande, Forskul – en vetenskaplig tidskrift för undervisningens utveckling. Syftet med tidskriften Forskul är att lyfta fram resultat från forskning som byggs med och för lärare, snarare än om och på. Som namnet på tidskriften anger, handlar det främst om forskning med anknytning till lärande och undervisning, inom skolans och förskolans samtliga ämnesområden och åldersgrupper. Forskul publicerar forskningsresultat som ska ge lärare inom skolväsendet teoretiska och praktiska redskap för att öka förutsättningarna för barn och elevers lärande. De praktikrelevanta resultat som publiceras är granskade och knutna till tidigare forskning och blir på så vis en del i ett kumulativt kunskapsbygge – lärares professionella kunskapsbas. Tidskriften ges ut av Lärarstiftelsen i samverkan Lärarförlaget.

  • HYBRID logotype

    HYBRID – mellan akademi, kyrka & samhälle

    HYBRID utges av ALT (Akademi för Ledarskap och Teologi) och publicerar högklassig forskning i form av vetenskapliga artiklar och bokrecensioner på svenska i skärningspunkten mellan bibelvetenskap (BV), kyrko- och missionsstudier (KM) och systematisk teologi (ST).

  • Idrott, historia och samhälle

    Idrott, historia & samhälle is a forum for sport history research in the Nordics. The journal welcomes contributions on sport history in the broad sense in relation to competition, physical culture, health, outdoor life, media, pedagogy, association life, politics and society within humanities and social science.

  • In Situ Archaeologica

    In Situ Archaeologica's focus area includes all types of Scandinavian archeology or archeology relevant to Scandinavian archaeology, as well as relevant sub- or interdisciplinary perspectives.

    In Situ Archaeologica is an open access journal, and submitted manuscripts are subject to double-blind peer review.

    In Situ Archaeologica was established as a scholarly journal in 1998. First published under the name In Situ West Swedish archaeological journal, the journal changed its name to In Situ Archaeologica in 2006.

  • Journal of Endovascular Resuscitation and Trauma Management

    The Journal of Endovascular Resuscitation and Trauma Management (JEVTM) aims to provide an Open Access platform for the dissemination of knowledge and peer-reviewed research in the field of endovascular and hybrid hemorrhage control and resuscitation. To achieve this goal, we have assembled an Editorial Board of clinicians and scientists who are experts within the field. The Journal is not bound by medical discipline, country, resources or even the conventional rules of medical publishing.

    We are keen to receive manuscript submissions that present original findings, review important topics or educate our readers on any aspect of resuscitation and hemorrhage control, where an endovascular technique has been employed. This can either be in isolation or in combination with open surgical techniques (hybrid surgery).
    As the subject of hemorrhage and bleeding is a common problem across many medical disciplines, we encourage submissions from all specialties: vascular, trauma, acute care, obstetrics and emergency medicine, to mention a few.

    This peer-reviewed journal is published every four to five months and is truly Open Access. There are no article processing charges or publishing fees. All articles are published online and in print and assigned a digital object identifier (DOI). The archives can be found on Journal of Endovascular Resuscitation and Trauma Management (jevtm.com) and are there with no time or access limitations.


  • Kapet

    KAPET publicerar pågående forskning inom det utbildningsvetenskapliga fältet. Syftet med tidskriften är huvudsakligen att ge en bild av forskningsverksamheten vid Karlstads universitet, men vi välkomnar även andra bidrag. KAPET vill dessutom bidra till debatt om utbildningsvetenskaplig forskning och praktik.


  • Kulturella Perspektiv – Svensk etnologisk tidskrift

    Kulturella Perspektiv – Svensk etnologisk tidskrift is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal that publishes research in Ethnology and related disciplines. The journal welcomes research articles with empirical, methodological focus, qualitative review articles, shorter reflections and debate papers and book reviews. Kulturella Perspektiv is an important forum for cultural research in Swedish, but also publishes texts in Danish, Norweigan and English. The journal’s ambition is to promote ethnological research and make its relevance visible for a broader readership.  

  • META – Historiskarkeologisk tidskrift

    META - Historiskarkeologisk tidskrift främjar forskning och diskussion inom det Historiskarkeologiska fältet, både inom och mellan uppdragsarkeologi, museer, förvaltning och universitet i Norden och utanför.

  • Moderna Språk

    Moderna Språk is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes new, empirically based research and critical reviews within areas that cover English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian languages and literatures. The range of topics accepted for submission is wide, reflecting the structure and organization of language studies within Swedish higher education, where literature, linguistics and culture are tightly intertwined. The journal has been published every year since 1906, and it is thus one of the oldest journals of its kind. Moderna Språk is a multilingual journal and we accept submissions in all of the above-mentioned languages. We accept new submissions on a continuous basis and publish two issues per year, one in June and one in December. Occasionally, we also publish special issues. We do not publish research on languages besides those mentioned above. Moderna Språk is indexed in SCOPUS Web of Science, EBSCO and is ranked in the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers (NSD, 1).

  • Namn och bygd

    Namn och bygd är en nordisk tidskrift specialiserad på namnforskning, såväl dess mer traditionella grenar – såsom namntolkning – som nya frågor, trender och material. Den publicerar artiklar och recensioner om ortnamn, personnamn och s.k. "övriga" namn och har publicerats en gång per år sedan 1913. 

  • Nordic Journal of English Studies

    The Nordic Journal of English Studies (NJES) covers the fields of English studies in the Nordic countries: English linguistics, literature and language teaching and learning. NJES is a peer-reviewed journal that promotes English studies in the Nordic countries. The journal is affiliated to the Nordic Association of English Studies. NJES publishes 2-3 issues a year, including general and special themed issues.

  • Nordisk Tidskrift för Allmän Didaktik

    Nordisk Tidskrift för Allmän Didaktik (NoAD) är en tidskrift med fokus på utbildning och undervisning. Ambitionen är att bidra med studier om undervisning, lärares arbete, lärarutbildning, skolan som social praktik, samt teoretiska studier om didaktik och bildning. Tidskriften vänder sig till de som är intresserade av skola, undervisning och lärarprofessionen.

  • Nordic Journal of Socio-Onomastics

    NoSo: Nordisk tidskrift för socioonomastik / Nordic Journal of Socio-Onomastics is a journal for research on socio onomastics i.e. research studying the role of names in society and in social interaction. The aim is to bring research within this field to the fore, enable exchange of ideas and critical discussions, as well as to contribute to theoretical and methodological development.

    The journal brings together researchers from different disciplines working with socio-onomastic questions and is therefore broad in scope. It includes articles building on all kinds of names, on historical as well as contemporary data, on different methods and on theoretical as well as practical issues. Analyses can also include other kinds of data than names.


    The journal is Nordic in the sense that the research discussed should be of interest from a Nordic point of view and welcomes contributions from all over the world. Articles can be written in any of the Scandinavian languages (Danish, Norwegian, Swedish) or in English. Articles written in Scandinavian languages must have an English summary.

  • Puls - journal for ethnomusicology and ethnochoreology

    Puls – journal for ethnomusicology and ethnochoreology is an online open access journal published by Svenskt visarkiv/Centre for Swedish Folk Music and Jazz Research, Stockholm, Sweden. The main focus of the journal is ethnomusicology and ethnochoreology, but the journal also embraces adjacent disciplines, such as other aspects of musicology and choreology, folklore, literature, and related studies of traditional and popular culture. The journal focuses on discussion of the expressions, roles and functions of music and dancing in society.

  • Rig

    RIG publicerar artiklar, presenterar nya avhandlingar, debattbidrag, bokrecensioner och notiser inom den i bred bemärkelse kulturhistoriska forskningen. Redaktionen välkomnar manuskript från alla områden och discipliner inom detta forskningsfält.

  • Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration

    Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration (SJPA) is a journal based at the School of Public Administration at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, presenting articles on public administration with perspectives from, amongst others, political, management, economics and law studies.

  • Logotyp för tidskriften Släkthistoriska studier, publicerad av genealogiska föreningen

    Släkthistoriska Studier

    Släkthistoriska Studier is a Swedish journal for family history and genealogy published by the Genealogical Society of Sweden since 2022. We welcome contributions with a foundation in scientific rigour in all fields of interest to family historians. It is an open-access journal without article submission or processing charges.

  • Snow Leopard Reports

    Snow Leopard Reports encourages exchange amongst snow leopard researchers by publishing the latest information on snow leopard biology and conservation. Its research contributions and notes capture the evolving status of the species and its wider habitat informing conservation approaches.

  • Socialmedicinsk tidskrift

    Socialmedicinsk tidskrift (SMT) har funnits sedan 1924 och är en tidskrift med flervetenskaplig inriktning och ett brett ämnesområde i korsningen mellan socialtjänst, socialförsäkringar, socialpolitik, folkhälsa och hälso­ och sjukvård. Sex nummer ges ut per år. SMT är en vetenskaplig tidskrift och finns på den så kallade Norgelistan för vetenskapliga tidskrifter. Alla artiklar som publiceras är granskade, peer reviewed.

  • Språk och stil

    Språk och stil strävar efter att vara ett brett forum för forskning om svenska språket. Ämnesmässigt och metodiskt är inriktningen därför vid: svenskans struktur, variation och bruk vad gäller såväl talspråk som skriftspråk inom alla genrer. Likaså är bidrag om svenskan under alla tider välkomna.

  • Stockholm Intellectual Property Law Review

    The Stockholm Intellectual Property Law Review (SIPLR) is a student-led journal of legal scholarship with a focus on European Intellectual Property Law. The primary purpose of SIPLR is to create an academic legal forum where the most influential and significant topics of IP law are discussed by students, scholars and lawyers.

  • Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok

    Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok [the Swedish Exegetical Annual] has disseminated high-class exegetical research to an increasingly international audience since 1936. The editorial board places great value in maintaining a high standard in the annual. The journal has been available Open Access since 2012.

  • Swedish Dialects and Folk Traditions

    Swedish Dialects and Folk Traditions publishes research papers, notes and documents, reviews, etc. in the fields of dialectology, sociolinguistics and other linguistic disciplines pertaining to spoken language as well as ethnology, folklore research and cultural history. Research papers are peer reviewed by at least two experts in the field.

    The journal was founded in 1878 by J A Lundell and it is one of Sweden’s oldest in the fields of linguistics and folk culture. Today, it is published by the Royal Gustavus Adolphus Academy for Swedish Folk Culture in collaboration with the Institute for Language and Folklore and the Folklife Archives with the Scania Music Collections at Lund University.

  • Svensk tidskrift för musikforskning / Swedish Journal of Music Research

    Svensk tidskrift för musikforskning / Swedish Journal of Music Research (STM–SJM) is a peer-reviewed journal issued by Svenska samfundet för musikforskning (Swedish Society for Music Research). STM–SJM is funded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities; and the Royal Swedish Academy of Music, STM–SJM is published both online and in print. In the online version, articles and other contributions are published successively as they are ready for publication. The printed volume (published annually) is distributed exclusively among the members of the Society and the subscribers. 

    STM–SJM publishes articles in various fields of music research (music history, music theory and analysis, organology, ethnomusicology, sociomusicology, music aesthetics, music criticism, music education, artistic research in music, etc.). Music-related contributions from researchers in other disciplines, particularly in the humanities and social sciences, are also welcome. The journal’s main mission is to present research concerned with music in Sweden and the other Nordic countries (Finland, Denmark, Norway, Iceland), but contributions on other musical topics by Nordic researchers are also welcome.

    Besides scholarly articles, STM–SJM also publishes other kinds of texts, in particular book reviews but also reports, debate articles and obituaries. Submitted contributions must conform to our guidelines for authors.

  • Sömn och Hälsa

    The purpose of the journal Sömn och Hälsa (Sleep and Health) is to dissiminate practical knowledge about sleep and health. The journal, which is an open access (OA) journal, is published twice a year. Sleep and Health is published by the Sleep and Health Network of the Swedish Nurses Association in collaboration with the Research Platform for Collaboration for Health at Kristianstad University.

  • Tidskrift för genusvetenskap

    Tidskrift för genusvetenskap (TGV) är en expertgranskad genusvetenskaplig tidskrift. TGV speglar den svenska genusforskningens bredd och centrerar dess intersektionella och kritiska epistemologier. TGV presenterar ny forskning, teorier och begrepp samt tillgängliggör forskning för en bredare krets.

  • Tidskrift för Litteraturvetenskap

    Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap utkommer sedan 1971 med fyra nummer per år och inriktar sig på ett brett spektrum av litteraturvetenskapliga och tvärvetenskapliga frågeställningar. Utöver att publicera vetenskapliga artiklar och essäer erbjuder TfL ett rum för ämnesdebatt och bevakar litteraturvetenskaplig bokutgivning i främst Sverige och Norden. TfL cirkulerar mellan landets litteraturvetenskapliga institutioner i tvåårsintervall. 2023–2024 finns redaktionen på Stockholms universitet.

  • Utbildning & Lärande

    Tidskriften Utbildning & Lärande strävar efter att utgöra ett forum för vetenskapliga diskussioner inom kunskapsområden som pedagogiskt arbete, didaktik, pedagogik och utbildningsvetenskap och behandlar frågor inom skilda pedagogiska praktiker. Den vänder sig till verksamma forskare och skolaktörer i skilda skolformer och utbildningsverksamheter, samt lärare och studerande vid högskolor och universitet.